Jan 3, 2011 (12:59 pm PT)
Sporadic networking interruptions
We’re also investigating reports of slow downloads and synchronizations from some users. We believe that there are some sporadic networking interruptions that may delay some network connections and slow some transfers. (We believe that this was the proximate cause of the earlier mail delivery backlog.)
Evernote Status | Evernote Corporation
Jan 3, 2011 (9:51 am PT)
Mail delivery delays
The server which handles both incoming and outgoing email for Evernote accounts experienced an unexpected increase in volume early this morning. Due to a misconfiguration, it didn’t automatically expand its delivery capacity to handle the load, which led to a backlog in email delivery.
We’ve fixed the configuration problem, and the server is now catching up on the older queued messages. The undelivered emails should be processed within the next two hours, and then email delivery should return to normal.
Evernote Status | Evernote Corporation