PixLive – ソーシャルARアプリ(動画あり)
PixLive offers you the opportunity to bring life to your environment! Simply snap a picture of an object and bring it to life by adding to it images, videos, music, texts or even your own drawings!
Try it today by downloading the free PixLive iPhone app. from the App Store at http://pixlive.vidinoti.com/dlapp/ios
Imagine that you could virtually tag any object you have around you. You have found something interesting and you want to share that with a friend? No problem, fire up the PixLive application, take a picture of the object, create your virtual multimedia tag and share your creation with your friend through Facebook or by email. Your friend will then be able to discover your virtual tag by pointing his mobile phone to the object. That’s it!
引用元:YouTube – PixLive Quickstart Video – The Social Augmented Reality Application