A new augmented reality shopping platform for Xbox Kinect will allow users to try on clothes in true 3-D, share photos with friends, and store wish-listed items on smartphones for shopping on-the-go.
引用元:KinectShop: The Next Generation Of Shopping [Exclusive Video] | Fast Company
Virtual reality shopping just got a lot more real–and could soon become a lot more mainstream. “KinectShop” (working title), an augmented reality shopping platform for the Xbox Kinect, exploits the system’s new finger-recognition technology to allow shoppers to grab items from an unlimited shelf of clothes, see how accessories look at multiple angles, and share the photos with friends on Twitter and Facebook for a quick thumbs-up or down.
引用元:KinectShop: The Next Generation Of Shopping [Exclusive Video] | Fast Company
(via development memo for ourselves | Augmented Reality World | 拡張現実)